inhibitor/PASSIVATOR calculator

Do you need help calculating the right amount of inhibitor or passivator content for your transformer?

You can easily calculate the right amount of inhibitor or passivator to add to your transformer with our Inhibitor and Passivator Content Calculator. This application generates a recommended amount of Nynas Nyhib 10 or Nypass based on your inputted data.

Simply enter the information that the Calculator asks for, and you will receive a recommendation of the amount needed for your transformer.

1. Transformer size

Please fill in the amount of oil in your transformer. You may give the information in litres or kilograms. If you choose to give it in litres, you must also mark the appropriate density.


20 °C (= 0,876 kg/dm3)
65 °C (= 0,847 kg/dm3)
Enter a valid numerical value in either kilograms or litres.

2. Inhibitor or Passivator content

Please fill in your current inhibitor or passivator content and your wanted inhibitor or passivator content.

1% = 10 000 ppm
0.1% = 1000 ppm
0.01% = 100 ppm


Enter valid numerical percentage values for the current and wanted inhibitor content.
The results displayed in this Calculator are of indicative nature only and do not constitute an official guarantee, recommendation or any other binding commitment. By using this Calculator you understand and agree that Nynas AB or any of its subsidiaries cannot be held responsible for any acts, omissions or consequences based on the non-binding indications displayed in the Calculator, and agree to make any purchases based on your own calculations.


Based on your data we recommend you to add the following amount of Nynas ​Nyhib 10/Nypass:

~{kilograms} kg (~{litres} litres)