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Brains of Nynas: Rafael Renaudeau

With 21 years at Nynas under his belt, Rafael is currently the company's Director for Strategy, Sustainability and Quality. Find out what's on his mind.

Instant reduction in carbon footprint

By simply replacing a product used today with an alternative from the Nynas EVO-line, customers can instantly reduce the carbon footprint for their product offerings. The EVO line provides drop-in replacements with a lower carbon footprint whilst maintaining the same high performance as products in Nynas existing portfolio, eliminating the need for reformulation.

Finding Resolution

A change in raw material or energy source may seem like the best route to a lower carbon footprint. However, with specialty products such as those in Nynas’ portfolio, which often contribute to lifetime, function, and performance in their use, it is more complex. Our ReSolution concept captures these benefits throughout the entire value chain.