
  • Nynas experts lecture at KTH

    Nynas traditionally maintains a close partnership with universities and higher education institutions. An illustrative example of this is the lecture on the oil industry held for students at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

  • Research collaborations in focus

    Complex research projects with industry and research institutes/universities highly contribute to knowledge build up not only for the future product development but also allow to identify the benefits of our products and their performance in the use phase.  At the same time, it contributes to the high level of specialist knowledge at Nynas.

  • Passion for Cold Recycling Projects

    Whilst growth in cold asphalt using foam bitumen is on the increase, a select few are turning their focus onto emulsion. One of them is Roadways, a UK-based highways construction company that recently carried out resurfacing work in East Sussex. Roadways used Nymuls CP 50 in a cold asphalt binder course made with 100% recycled aggregates, which resulted in 40% less carbon dioxide emissions.

  • Nynas takes the direction towards a sustainable future

    On 6 and 7 December, leading representatives from the Danish road and transport sector will gather in the port city of Nyborg to conduct this year's edition of the industry meeting, Vejforum. Among the participants are both state and municipal road authorities, as well as contractors, suppliers and researchers.

  • 95 years and still going strong

    After nearly a century in the market, Nynas is actively developing new, forward-looking, customer-centric solutions to contribute to performance and sustainable development. The distinctive entrepreneurial spirit that characterised the company's founders continues unabated.

  • The Brains of Nynas: Hilde Vandeneede

    During her many years at Nynas, Hilde Vandeneede has gathered an impressive experience from her various positions focusing on both technology and marketing. Last year, Hilde was appointed Bitumen Product Manager. Find out what’s on her mind.

  • Net Zero Asphalt Surfacing

    With new innovative technology, it may be possible to meet the UK asphalt industry's 2040 net-zero carbon target. An important step in this direction is a notable road project in which Nynas has played a crucial role.

  • The Case for Surface Dressing

    Planned preventative maintenance using Surface Dressing has been proven to be more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than reactive repairs, as emphasized in a recent British campaign.

  • Building Roads Sustainably

    The Institute of Asphalt’s Annual Conference is an important event for the UK road industry. This year’s theme is sustainable development and Nynas will be there to talk about our new product range Nypol RE as well as other ways in which we contribute to reducing the climate impact of the asphalt sector.

  • PMB with biogenic material reduces climate impact

    Nypol RE is a newly developed, polymer-modified bitumen with biogenic material that increases the useful life of the pavement while reducing climate impact.