
  • Talking point: Road infrastructure in North-Western Europe

    Even though many successful road projects have been completed in Western Europe in recent years, the durability and availability of the road infrastructure needs to be improved.

  • 30 years in Tallinn

    For three decades, Nynas has contributed to an increased understanding of bitumen quality and supported the development of Estonian road infrastructure.

  • Knowledge saves lives

    Regular training is the basis of all safety work. Only then is it possible to act both quickly and correctly if an accident actually occurs.

  • The way forward for Wales

    Over ten years in the making, the Welsh Government’s new surface course specification centres around stone mastic asphalt (SMA) and hopes to significantly increase the service life of the road surface materials.

  • Landing surface fit for presidents

    Teaming up around tightly scheduled works to upgrade the runway taxiways and apron at Cornwall Newquay Airport, Aggregate Industries and Nynas had to overcome challenging logistical issues. A close working partnership between them saw the project safely landed on time.

  • Paving the way for asphalt 4.0

    Digitalisation is making inroads in the asphalt industry. The latest Eurasphalt & Eurobitume (E&E) Congress was held virtually in June. It was a success, but the next E&E event will allow industry stakeholders to meet face-to-face.

  • Electrify more

    The Swedish Transport Administration is going to build one of the world’s first permanent electric roads, as one element of the objective to reduce emissions from heavy traffic.

  • Nynas UK announce their future plans for the bitumen business in the UK

    Nynas UK today announce that they will be ending the partnership with Navigator Terminals at their Teesside depot at the end of the existing contract in December 2022.

  • Nynas breaking new ground for lower carbon roads

    In a recently published white paper, Nynas outlines benefits and carbon footprint calculations for an upcoming range of binders incorporating biogenic material. The new product range will contribute to lowering the carbon footprint of a road.

  • A new refinery landscape

    The overall impact of IMO 2020, Covid-19 and the closure of outdated refineries has increased the benefit of bitumen expertise and specialisation. The question is who will produce bitumen in the future?